Images of Alaska Inside Passage

Alaska is a remote and awe-inspiring destination for travelers. There are so many sights to see: vast mountain ranges, sprawling glaciers, abundant wildlife and more. Camera in hand we set about to capturing as many images of Alaska Inside Passage as possible on our recent Alaska cruise.

In My Camera Bag

I use a combination of gear for my travel photography. This includes my trusty iPhone 14, a basic DJI drone and a Canon DSLR. The latter is a bit cumbersome to carry along with a selection of lenses, but the image quality it provides is worth it. I also brought along a sturdy monopod for stability when shooting video and images with a long lens. It also serves as a handing walking stick over rough terrain. So, my Images of Alaska Inside Passage gallery contains shots that were taken using a variety of equipment. Some advocate for point and shoot cameras for travel photography. For me, they don’t quite do the job, offering little control compared to a DSLR.

To filter or not to filter Images of Alaska Inside Passage

I’m a bit of a purist when it comes to retouching images. Most of my images of Alaska Inside Passage do not use filters although some, posted to my Instagram account occasionally do. Rather than use one of the presets, I use custom settings and like to play with saturation, structure and contrast mostly. Sometime I’ll use a vignette for atmosphere. It depends on the scene.

Lense selection

When it comes to lenses, for this trip I brought along a Canon EF 75-300mm f 1:4-5.6 zoom lens. My budget doesn’t allow for this higher-quality lenses that can run in the thousands, but I don’t make my living as a professional photographer. Of course, the standard EFS 18-55mm came is handing for wider shots. I chose not to bring my 24mm wide angle lens or my 55mm f 1.4 as the short zoom was sufficient given the available light.